Seaside Grzybowo

Seaside Grzybowo
Grzybowo, Marynarska 11

Seaside Grzybowo

Grzybowo, ul. Marynarska 11

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Available apartments: 12
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Online check-in
Apartment 10

220 PLN

Apartment 10

Apartment size 41 m2

Floor: parter

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment 20

220 PLN

Apartment 20

Apartment size 42 m2

Floor: 1

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment 32

210 PLN

Apartment 32

Apartment size 32 m2

Floor: 2

Rooms: 1

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment 31

220 PLN

Apartment 31

Apartment size 39 m2

Floor: 2

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment 26

220 PLN

Apartment 26

Apartment size 39 m2

Floor: 2

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment 14

220 PLN

Apartment 14

Apartment size 38 m2

Floor: 1

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment 9 LUX with air conditioning and a garden

220 PLN

Apartment 9 LUX with air conditioning and a garden

Apartment size 42 m2

Floor: parter

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment 29

220 PLN

Apartment 29

Apartment size 34 m2

Floor: 2

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment 19

210 PLN

Apartment 19

Apartment size 30 m2

Floor: 1

Rooms: 1

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment 16 with air conditioning

220 PLN

Apartment 16 with air conditioning

Apartment size 38 m2

Floor: 1

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment 15  with air conditioning

220 PLN

Apartment 15 with air conditioning

Apartment size 38 m2

Floor: 1

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment 21

220 PLN

Apartment 21

Apartment size 40 m2

Floor: 1

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2