
Międzyzdroje, Promenada Gwiazd 14


Międzyzdroje, ul. Promenada Gwiazd 14

restaurant restaurant
elevator elevator
beach beach
shop shop
City center City center

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Attention! Some apartments are undergoing renovation works, which may cause noise and inconvenience. We apologize!

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Available apartments: 12
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Online check-in
Apartment B 1

220 PLN

Apartment B 1

Apartment size 24 m2

Floor: 1

Rooms: 1

Persons: 2

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 1

Online check-in
Apartment C 112

260 PLN

Apartment C 112

Apartment size 31 m2

Floor: 11

Rooms: 1

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment C 95 with Partial Sea View

300 PLN

Apartment C 95 with Partial Sea View

Apartment size 45 m2

Floor: 9

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment C 51 with Partial Sea View

320 PLN

Apartment C 51 with Partial Sea View

Apartment size 44 m2

Floor: 5

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment A 1

240 PLN

Apartment A 1

Apartment size 24 m2

Floor: 1

Rooms: 1

Persons: 3

Single bed: 1

Double beds: 1

Online check-in
Apartment B 76 with a sea view

350 PLN

Apartment B 76 with a sea view

Apartment size 38 m2

Floor: 8

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment B 87 with a sea view

350 PLN

Apartment B 87 with a sea view

Apartment size 38 m2

Floor: 9

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment C 59 with Partial Sea View

320 PLN

Apartment C 59 with Partial Sea View

Apartment size 45 m2

Floor: 6

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment A 116 with a sea view

350 PLN

Apartment A 116 with a sea view

Apartment size 40 m2

Floor: 11

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment B 85 with a sea view

250 PLN

Apartment B 85 with a sea view

Apartment size 33 m2

Floor: 9

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment C 17

350 PLN

Apartment C 17

Apartment size 43 m2

Floor: 1

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment A 117 with a sea view

350 PLN

Apartment A 117 with a sea view

Apartment size 44 m2

Floor: 11

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2