
Szklarska Poręba, Osiedle Podgórze 1C,D


Szklarska Poręba, ul. Osiedle Podgórze 1C,D

City center City center

Approximate distances

Attention! There are construction works in the neighborhood, which may cause noise. We apologize for inconveniences.

The location of the property allows our Guests to enjoy a comfortable stay. The area is a quiet and peaceful, yet close to the city center, where you will find many restaurants and shops. It is easy to get from here to many tourist attractions and ski lifts offered by this mountain resort.

Free parking spaces are located in front of the building.

Object does not allow pets to be brought in.

Apartments are supplied with clean bedsheets and towels.

There is a possibility of renting a high chair and baby bath, free of charge.

A travel cot may be provided for you for an additional fee (50 PLN for the entire stay).

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Apartment features


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Beds - details
