Sun & Snow Resorts G Białka Tatrzańska

Sun & Snow Resorts G Białka Tatrzańska
Białka Tatrzańska, Grapa 29A

Sun & Snow Resorts G Białka Tatrzańska

Białka Tatrzańska, ul. Grapa 29A

Approximate distances

Select the city 2025-01-20 - 2025-01-24 2 Gości

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Beds - details


Available apartments: 12
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Online check-in
Apartment G9

782 PLN

(3128 PLN/stay)

Apartment G9

Apartment size 30 m2

Floor: 2

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 2

Double beds: 1

Online check-in
Apartment G5

782 PLN

(3128 PLN/stay)

Apartment G5

Apartment size 28 m2

Floor: 2

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment G8

983 PLN

(3930 PLN/stay)

Apartment G8

Apartment size 62 m2

Floor: 2

Rooms: 3

Persons: 6

Single bed: 4

Double beds: 1

Online check-in
Apartment G3

1123 PLN

(4490 PLN/stay)

Apartment G3

Apartment size 52 m2

Floor: parter

Rooms: 3

Persons: 7

Single bed: 3

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment G12

844 PLN

(3376 PLN/stay)

Apartment G12

Apartment size 30 m2

Floor: 2

Rooms: 2

Persons: 5

Single bed: 3

Double beds: 1

Online check-in
Apartment G6

844 PLN

(3376 PLN/stay)

Apartment G6

Apartment size 32 m2

Floor: 2

Rooms: 2

Persons: 5

Single bed: 1

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment G1

906 PLN

(3624 PLN/stay)

Apartment G1

Apartment size 38 m2

Floor: parter

Rooms: 2

Persons: 6

Single bed: 2

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment G11

525 PLN

(2098 PLN/stay)

Apartment G11

Apartment size 18 m2

Floor: 3

Rooms: 1

Persons: 3

Single bed: 1

Double beds: 1

Online check-in
Apartment G4

782 PLN

(3128 PLN/stay)

Apartment G4

Apartment size 37 m2

Floor: 1

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 2

Double beds: 1

Online check-in
Apartment G7

782 PLN

(3128 PLN/stay)

Apartment G7

Apartment size 40 m2

Floor: 1

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 0

Double beds: 2

Online check-in
Apartment G10

782 PLN

(3128 PLN/stay)

Apartment G10

Apartment size 37 m2

Floor: 2

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 2

Double beds: 1

Online check-in
Apartment G2

782 PLN

(3128 PLN/stay)

Apartment G2

Apartment size 30 m2

Floor: 1

Rooms: 2

Persons: 4

Single bed: 2

Double beds: 1